Manage My Vessel
Fleet & Yacht Management Software
Manage My Vessel is a software used to operate a fleet of pleasure yachts, work boats, commercial ships, sailboats, barges or just one vessel. Our vessel management software features include safety management, crew management, crew onboarding, planning, hours of rest and yacht maintenance.

Fleet Management
For companies that manage a fleet of vessels.

Manage all documents, licenses and certifications for vessel, crew, equipment and more.

Forms & Checklist
Convert all paper forms to electronic forms using the MMV Form Builder.

Convert all paper manuals into electronic manuals with one simple upload feature.

Alerts Dashboard
Notify your team of items needing a response.

Crew Planning
Allow crew to create leave, track leave, vacation and rotations

Crew Onboarding
Create procedures for all new
crew on board

Hours Of Rest
Crew can create their
timesheets from any device