by Michael Walker | Jan 19, 2021 | Features |
Keep track of all guests onboard the vessel. Create a guest profile to upload guest pictures, including preference sheets, documentation and special accommodations. Create IMO reporting on guests that include all guest’s information along with your vessel information....
by Michael Walker | Jan 19, 2021 | Features |
Keep complete control of all work performed on the vessel by outside vendors or during yard periods. A vendor job or work order contains one or many tasks that need to be performed by a Vendor relating to some sort of work or service on the Vessel. Each vendor Job...
by Michael Walker | Jan 19, 2021 | Features |
Create tasks for drills, surveys planned, unplanned maintenance and more. Assign task to specific crew members on the vessel. All Tasks Views can be searched, filtered and grouped by the user as needed for easy viewing and reporting. View current, past due and...
by Michael Walker | Jan 19, 2021 | Features |
Track all inventory and spares quantities onboard the vessel. Link inventory to any piece of equipment. Create reporting to see quantities onboard the vessel and to use as ordering...
by Michael Walker | Jan 19, 2021 | Features |
Manage all equipment on board the vessel. Create planned maintenance schedule for important equipment. See a history of all tasks performed on all equipment. Add equipment documents such as warranties and manuals. Update Hour log for equipment as needed. Additional...
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